3Béton – #TheKarbonKiller Company

“Because RMX concrete is a champion in local circular economy for construction materials, at 3B we work hard to make it as sustainable as possible, every day, whatever the project, and for each of our customers, from DIY up to international contractors,” Emmanuel Garcia, co-founder, 3Béton (3B).
3B was founded in June 2020 by three ready-mix concrete (RMX) professionals issued from international cement companies with talented track records in entrepreneurship, technical expertise, and sales agility. The global pandemic pushed them to action. The first batch plant started producing and delivering first jobsites in April 2021. Now, in 2023, 3B is operating 7 batch plants mapping the French Alps region everyday with 25 people on board. A fast growth managed as a start-up with a pragmatic focus on financial results.
Karbon killer
For 3B, the only carbon killed, is a carbon that has not been emitted. Sobriety first! 3B refuses off-set calculations based on biomass combinations or any compensations. 3B considers that CO2 capture is not a sustainable solution due to the associated energy consumption not compatible within the resource limits of the planet.
“We don’t race for records of CO2 reductions. Records lead to demonstrators that remain unique and limited in volumes. We prefer to make low carbon everyday to kill a maximum of emissions and massify,” Emmanuel Garcia, General Manager and co-founder of 3B. To massify low carbon concrete production means make it available, affordable, easy to use, durable with lifetime guarantee. This is the DNA of 3B. Less reduction rate but highest volumes leads to less papers headlines but more carbon killed.
3B strategy combines three elements:
- Certified sustainability objectives through carbon footprint optimisation and recycled materials use. 3B developped a software certified by the French Government to generate certified EPD and FDES for its products.
- R&D expertise to design low carbon products that fit standard products performance. “Low carbon must not change the uses of our customers: same properties, same process, same value chain,” says Laurent Morniroli, CFO and co-founder of 3B.
- Low Carbon Products at the same price than standard products. “For the major part of our sustainable concretes, the sale price remains the same, up to 40% CO2 emission reduction,” says Patrick Sallemand, General Sales Manager and co-founder of 3B.
Open innovation
3B is committed to reduce CO2 emissions from cradle using all types of binders with or without clinker. 3B works with partners, start-ups and universities to prepare its next generation of products with reductions up to 80%.
“Embracing decarbonisation of construction is a huge and global challenge with no time to lose. No blockbuster in the horizon! No unique solution will change the world. ALCCC offers a unique platform to assemble the ecosystem, and make the decarbonisation of construction possible with different and complementary players. ALCCC designs our collective future,” Emmanuel Garcia, GM and co-founder.